B.O.S. Better Online Solutions ($BOSC) Schedules 2Q20 Conference Call On 26th August 2020 At 10:00 AM Eastern Time


B.O.S. Better Online Solutions (NASDAQ:BOSC) has scheduled a conference call for 26th August 2020 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time to announce its 2Q20 financial results.

The conference call will also be webcast live under the investor relations section of the website www.boscom.com/?page_id=125

To participate on the live call, please dial +1-888-281-1167 Toll Free, (United States) or +972-3-9180644 (International)

Earnings Expectation

B.O.S. Better Online Solutions a leading Israeli provider of RFID and Mobile solutions, is expected to report second quarter earnings results, before market open, on Wednesday 26th August 2020.

B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd. provides radio frequency identification (RFID), mobile, and supply chain solutions worldwide.